AIGA Chicago: Celebrating 100 Years of Chicago Design

AIGA celebrated its Centennial year in 2014, with a request to chapters nationwide to document their design history—inside and outside of AIGA. As AIGA Chicago's President, I felt a personal responsibility to capture the rich history and depth of design in our city. (And as a friend pointed out, I seem to have an unreasonable attachment to visual timelines.)

Thanks to the generous archives and research of a handful of amazing Chicago designers (Tanner Woodford, Bart Crosby, Rick Valicenti, Dawn Hancock, Steve Ryan and Joseph Michael Essex), I designed this commemorative poster which hung at the AIGA National Leadership Retreat. 

Research + Timeline Collaborators:
Tanner Woodford
Bart Crosby
Rick Valicenti
Dawn Hancock
Steve Ryan
Joseph Michael Essex